This is the WINDOWS version.
Click here for the MAC OS X version!
Version 1.0 for WINDOWS -
Robert Bennett
Please note: NEVER link directly to the files listed below, always link to this page. These files will move due to bandwidth restrictions, but this page will always have the latest links.
Click here to download!
Register now to get rid of all the annoying nag messages that pop up!
The full version also lets you install new butterflies to fly on your desktop,
and it lets you have more than 10 fluttering around your screen at a time!
There are 2 ways to get the full registered version of this screen saver:
You can register just this screen saver for just US$7.50 and just get rid of the
nag-screens from this screen saver, OR you can register UC3D and get full access
to all past, present and future UC3D v1 screen savers for the one low price!!
Click here for all the UC3D info.
Click here to register now!
The following butterflies are currently available for this screensaver. Click the links to download new butterflies to add to your screen saver. New butterflies will be added as often as possible, so check back regularly! Butterflies marked as HD are high detail, LD are lower detail, but they all look great!
Please note: These add-ons only work with the full registered version, or if you are a full UC3D member! Info on registering is just above on this page.
Well, I've been thinking of doing this for a long long time. I even have
an old screen saver from way back in 2000 where I just have one butterfly
flying in circles. But it always looked a bit lame so I never bothered to
finish it.
Here we are nearly 6 years later and I've finally put together a butterfly
screen saver that I really like! As with the Something Fishy screen saver,
I've used the best 3D models I could get my hands on. But I've mixed them
up a little. You see I think this looks best with heaps of butterflies, but
with the high detail models you need a really fast PC to make it to work.
So I have gotten hold of a mix of both high detail and medium detail butterflies.
So hopefully we can all enjoy a great mix of colour without killing our PCs.
That's the idea anyway, we'll see what happens. I've used just the high detail
models in the free trial version, and I have about 25 lower detail models
to release as add-ons when I get the time, along with a few more high detail
ones, so we're looking at a screen saver here that will be jam packed with
a heap of different butterflies for you to enjoy.
I spent ages trying to make them actually fly like butterflies. Sort of random
and fluttery. When I looked at a couple of other butterfly screen savers they
all flew in a very basic "flap... flap... flap" fashion which made
them look like a wind up aeroplane kinda deal. Still not sure I've got it
quite right, but I do think it's cool to watch. And the way they land on both
the desktop and the "glass" of your monitor I think looks nice too.
I dunno, I just like it!
I may change this screen saver later, because I'm not sure if it needs something
else added to it or what, but I do like watching it as it is now so I figured
I would release it and see what you guys think.
If you spot any bugs (aside from the ones flying around the screen) please
let me know!
v1.0 - 14th February, 2006 - Original Release
Real time 3D butterflies flutter around your desktop.
Use a screen grab, your wallpaper, or any random image as the background.
Butterflies cast shadows on your desktop, and they land on it too!
Additional butterflies available for download to add to the full version.

Brought to you thru the endless magic of OpenGL!