This is the WINDOWS version.
Looking for the Mac OS X version? Click here!
Version 1.0 for WINDOWS -
Robert Bennett
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Click here to download! (just 310kb!)
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There are 2 ways to get the full registered version of this screen saver:
You can register just this screen saver for just US$5 and just get rid of the
nag-screens from this screen saver, OR you can register UC3D and get full access
to all past, present and future UC3D v1 screen savers for the one low price!!
Click here for all the UC3D info.
Click here to register now!
Ok, so by my standards this is an amazingly simple screen saver, but it's
often the simple ones that are the most popular, and I think you'll agree
it looks way cool.
I made this a while back as part of something else I was working on. But
I've been using this as my screensaver ever since, without adding to it. Everyone
who's seen it has wanted a copy, so I decided I may aswell release it as it
is, without adding what I had planned to add.
So basically it turns your desktop watery, and it ripples and wobbles with
waves. It's weird how hypnotic and watchable it is for something so simple
looking. I'm sure there's other screensavers out there with similar effects,
I don't actually go looking for screensavers myself tho so I can't say for
sure, and I definately haven't seen one that looks so cool.
You'll need a pretty good PC tho I think to make it look best. Mine's not
the fastest PC in the world, but this thing still looks pretty close to realistic
water. I'm releasing this on both Windows and Mac OS X at the same time, and
because my Mac is the cheapest one I could find, it doesn't run as well on
that as it does on my Windows machine. However, it doesn't effect the coolness.
I almost prefer watching it on the Mac. It's one of those weird things.
So anyway, I had a few people who saw it suggest that it should display your
pictures, not just the desktop behind the water. But since you can't really
make out whats under the water I wasn't sure there was any point. If you'd
like it to display pics, or have some other suggestion, let me know and I'll
see what I can do.
Of course, as always, if you register it now and then it gets updated you'll
be able to get the registered version of the update aswell. You also get it
as part of the UC3D package under Windows.
Anyway, if you spot bugs let me know.
Most of all, be nice to your neighbour's cat, and enjoy this thing!
v1.0 - 10th June, 2005 - Original Release
Your desktop turns watery and ripples like a puddle.

Brought to you thru the endless magic of OpenGL!