This is the MAC OS X version.
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Version 1.0 for MAC OS X 10.3 or higher - 08/01/2007
Robert Bennett
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It takes endless hours of work to produce nifty 3D screen savers at the high quality you have come to expect from Useless Creations, and all we ask in return is a very small fee! Compare it to other places, and we're sure you'll agree that you get far more bang for your buck right here! Without your support we wouldn't be able to keep bringing you screensaver after nifty screensaver, which includes our cool free offerings as well as our even cooler shareware stuff. So as long as you keep supporting our work, we'll keep working tirelessly to help you avoid doing any work by watching your screen for hours on end!
When you register the When Pigs Fly! 3D Screen Saver, you get:
The full, registered, unrestricted version of one of the niftiest screensavers on the planet!
Possibly the most realistic 3D flying pig simulator currently available in this universe!
No nag screens! Nothing pops up at the start, nothing pops up in the corners, nothing pops up at all. All you get is the action!
But more importantly, you'll help support Useless Creations, which means I'll be able to keep developing nifty screen savers for Mac OS X!
All this for just US$7.50! How can you resist?!
Click here to find out how to register and get the full version straight away!
Description (What's it do??)
Forget flying toasters! Watch in awe as the swine soars with this unique 3D flying pigs screensaver! Possibly the universe's most realistic flying pig simulator currently available! Mmm airborne bacon!
Release Notes
Well, how fast time flies. It's nearly 5 years now since I released my first shareware screensaver. I had discovered that to pay all the bills involved with running a site, and be able to put the amount of time and effort in to making these things that I wanted to, that I would have to start charging a small registration fee for my screensavers. So I released a little screensaver called "When Pigs Fly!" with 3D pigs flying around, and the rest is history! I never thought the site would survive, but thankfully it's still going all these years later, and I'm still not sick of wasting huge amounts of time making these things.
So I decided it was time to give the piggies a face lift. I've been thinking about it for a while, but I kept deciding to do new stuff instead. Finally I slapped myself into submission, and here we have a shiny new version. Even better is it's now available for the Mac. I've wanted to have flying pigs on my Mac since the day I got it, and I'm not even sure why. But now I can! And so can you!
I used to love the original version, but when I looked at it again recently I really couldn't see why. The pigs looked primitive, the scene was very plain, and the animation was ultra-simple. But I guess for a first try at something like this it wasn't so bad!
Anyway, I've remade almost all of it. The pigs now look much nicer, and the flying animation is a lot better too. I've also made them fly around over some farmland instead of just plane hills. It's only a small amount of detail really because I didn't want to slow the whole thing down too much, but it's amazing how much difference just a little detail makes. You now get a much better sense of movement and speed, so much more height and depth, when they fly over the barn and the fences. I really like it.
They still fly in flocks, but I've changed the way they fly so it's a little more natural with less strange and sudden changes. They glide more, and just look better in general. If you ask me, anyway.
I still love the music too. Hopefully in 5 years time this wont look as primitive as the old version from 5 years ago did when I last saw it!
Version History
v1.0 - 8th January, 2007 - Original Mac Release
Re-written for the Mac with all new graphics and pretty much all new everything else too.
Flocks of 3D flying pigs soar through the air!
Pigs actually flock together.
Smooth camera system.
And all to the tune of "Flight of the Valkyries".
5th September, 2002 - Original Release
Just for historical reference, this is when the original old Windows version was released. Ahh, memories.

Brought to you thru the endless magic of OpenGL!