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Version 1.1 for MAC OS X 10.3 or higher - 10/04/2009
Robert Bennett
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Click here to download! (just 399kb!)
It takes endless hours of work to produce nifty 3D screen savers at the high quality you have come to expect from Useless Creations, and all we ask in return is a very small fee! Compare it to other places, and we're sure you'll agree that you get far more bang for your buck right here! Without your support we wouldn't be able to keep bringing you screensaver after nifty screensaver, which includes our cool free offerings as well as our even cooler shareware stuff. So as long as you keep supporting our work, we'll keep working tirelessly to help you avoid doing any work by watching your screen for hours on end!
When you register the Burning Desktop Screen Saver, you get:
The full, registered, unrestricted version of one of the niftiest screensavers on the planet!
No nag screens! Nothing pops up at the start, nothing pops up in the corners, nothing pops up at all. All you get is the action!
But more importantly, you'll help support Useless Creations, which means I'll be able to keep developing nifty screen savers for Mac OS X!
All this for just US$5! How can you resist?!
Click here
to get the full version now!
Release Notes
Well, I was stunned at just how popular the Desktop Puddle screensaver became.
People seem to really love seeing their desktop effected by that weird watery
effect. So I thought I'd stick with a similar theme, but move on to another
of the elements: fire!
This one was a bit trickier. I've been spending all my time reading old fire
demo tutorials from the VGA DOS days! Great stuff!
And this is what I came up with. The screen burns away with the niftiest
flame I've seen since granny turned 203 and the candles on her cake caused
a firestorm. This is definately one for all you pyromaniacs out there. Watching
the flames dance around is truly hypnotic.
I've put in a few different burn styles, but the one that's set as default
is probably my favourite. The background melt. Leave it for a while and come
back and the effect is really cool, in my opinion anyway!
So this is another fairly simple, yet very effective lookin' screensaver.
If it's popular, I'll see what I can do with the other elements too!
Version History
v1.1 - 10th April, 2009 - Update
Updated the screen grab code to capture multiple screens and other improvements.
Added option to have other images burn, not just your desktop.
v1.0.2 - 15th April, 2006 - Update
Added an option to let you choose the resolution of the screen grab. This
will help people who are having problems with a lack of video memory.
Converted to a Universal Binary to work on both PowerPC and Intel Mac's.
v1.0.1 - 16th August, 2005 - Bugifx
Just a small bugfix version to fix something I did wrong!
v1.0 - 20th July, 2005 - Original Release
Your desktop catches fire and burns away in a variety of different burn styles!

Brought to you thru the endless magic of OpenGL!