This is the MAC OS X version.
Click here for the Windows version!

Version 1.1 for MAC OS X 10.3 or higher - 01/06/2008
Robert Bennett
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Ever since I started making screensavers for Windows, I've had requests for
Mac versions. So I decided to go and buy a Mac so I could make
Mac OS X screensavers for you guys. Problem is, the Mac cost me
a fair amount of cash. So I've made this screensaver shareware.
It's only US$7.50 to register and get rid of all the nags that
pop-up, and all the intro banners at the start. But more importantly, you'll help support
Useless Creations, which means I'll be able to keep developing
nifty screen savers for Mac OS X!
So register now to get the full version, help me pay for my Mac, and look
forward to more cool 3D screensavers in the future!
Click here
for all the details.
Release Notes
I've had requests for a dolphin screensaver for a long time, but have never really gotten around to it. So after I finished my last project I wasn't sure what to do next, and I figured it was time to do a nifty dolphin screensaver.
This one has 2 modes. You can watch the dolphins jumping and flipping in the ocean, or on your desktop screen with your windows and whatnot in the background. This is basically because I couldn't decide which one to do, so I did both and made them into one big screensaver. Aren't you lucky?
I was mainly concerned with the dolphins when I made this. I wanted them to flip and jump nicely, and I wanted them to look cool themselves. I think that's all turned out really well. I also wanted to have the sky and jumping dolphins reflected in the water surface, which I think turned out pretty cool aswell. But I had to make some sacrifices with the water itself. I think it looks great as is, but I also realise it doesn't look realistic the way it moves and splashes. I decided this looked good, and still runs well on most systems. Making the water any more realistic would really kill it on most peoples systems, so I'd rather it works for more people instead of just the few who can afford a fantastic machine. Besides, for more it's more about the dolphins, and I think it's just fun to watch them jump!
As always, if you spot any bugs or anything, let me know!
Version History
v1.1 - 1st June, 2008 - Update
What everyone was asking for: Bigger splashes!
Leopard (OS X 10.5) and some older versions will give the screensaver a black screen to capture when the screensaver password option is turned on. The screensaver now attempts to detect this and display your wallpaper image instead, so that you don't just get the black screen OS X is trying to display!
This version also fixes some issues with using the screen capture option with multiple displays. It should now correctly capture each monitor separately before unleashing the dolphins!
v1.0 - 21st August, 2006 - Original Release
3D Dolphins jump and dive in the water.
2 modes: dolphins in a 3D ocean scene, or on your screen!
Sky and dolphins are relfected in the water in ocean mode.
Any image you like can be used as a backdrop in desktop mode, or a capture of your current screen.

Brought to you thru the endless magic of OpenGL!