This is the WINDOWS version.
Click here for the MAC OS X version!
Version 1.1DX for WINDOWS -
Robert Bennett
Please note: NEVER link directly to the files listed below, always link to this page. These files will move due to bandwidth restrictions, but this page will always have the latest links.
Click here to download! (DirectX Version v1.1DX)
Click here to download! (UC3D / OpenGL Version v1.1)
DirectX 8 or higher is required to run the DirectX version of this screen saver. It comes with Windows, so you should have no problems.
However, if you need to get DirectX it's easy! Just go to:
Register now to get rid of all the annoying nag messages that pop up!
The full version also lets you install new fish into your desktop aquarium,
and it lets you have more than 3 fish swimming around your screen at a time!
There are 2 ways to get the full registered version of this screen saver:
You can register just this screen saver for just US$12.95 and just get rid of the
nag-screens from this screen saver, OR you can register UC3D and get full access
to all past, present and future UC3D v1 screen savers for the one low price!!
Click here for all the UC3D info.
Click here to register now!
The following fish are currently available for this screensaver. Click the links to download new fish to add to your desktop aquarium. New fish will be added as often as possible, so check back regularly!
Please note: These add-ons only work with the full registered version, or if you are a full UC3D member! Info on registering is just above on this page.
Ok, so this thing quickley became possibly the most popular screen saver
I've ever made. I now understand why there are so many fish screen savers,
it's because everyone loves them. And the feedback I've had has been amazing!
I've had literally 100s of emails from people saying this is now their favourite
aquarium screen saver. With so much competition, that's pretty high praise!
So I've set to work adding and fixing things that people asked for and complained
about, and a few things I didn't get around to originally. The main thing
was that people wanted some sort of sound in the background. Personally, I
find noisey screensavers annoying, but I can understand that if you're sitting
watching the fish you'd like a bit of noise like a real aquarium. Some people
wanted just a hum, and some wanted a bubbling noise, so I searched around
and found a sound which is kind of a mix of the two. There's a definate hum,
and some nice quiet splashing/bubbling. But don't panic if you don't like
noise, you can turn it off!
I've also made the fishies eyes move. This is something I decided to leave
out, and I wish I hadn't because it looks really cool when they look around
as they're drifting past. The problem is it means I have to re-make the fish
files. So until you download v1.1 of each fish, their eyes wont move. Only
fish that say they are v1.1 will have moving eyes, but the old versions will
still work as normal so there's no reason to panic and update all your fish
thinking that it'll be broken without an update. Because I have to remake
them, it may take me a while to release 1.1 versions of each fish on the website.
Please be patient! I have to re-animate some of them to allow their eyes to
move so just hang in there. Since no one reads these readme file, I anticipate
being flooded with emails asking why this or that fish's eyes don't move.
It's a shame no one reads these things...
What else did I do? I spent so much time changing stuff I'm losing track.
You can now select not only salt and fresh water fish, but also cold and warm
water fish for both salt and fresh water. Someone emailed me saying they didn't
want the Turquoise Discus and the Wakin swimming together because of the different
water temperature, well your wish is my command, so you can now having different
sets of fish swimming and switch between them easily. However, as I said with
the eye movement, I need to release v1.1 of each fish for the screen saver
to know if they are a cold/warm water fish. So you'll need to update each
fish as it becomes available for this option to work, if you've been using
On the bugfix front, some people had problems with the background "splintering"
after a certain time. This is something I just could no replicate, but I'm
told it's now fixed in this version. Also, the problem with people who were
lucky enough to have widescreen monitors and the lighting no going to the
edges should also be fixed. I can't remember all the little fixes I made,
but I tried to fix almost everything that I could find.
There's also some changes behind the scenes with the collisions between the
fish, and I noticed on my machine that the fish all seemed to want to swim
together in the middle when you had a lot of fish, so I've tried to make them
swim to the side of the screen a little more, but it's all random so it's
hard to control the little critters.
Once again, I'm glad so many people love this screensaver as much as I do.
Continue to show your support, and I'll continue to add fish and do updates
and make more great stuff like this. There are already over a dozen fish available
on the website, and it's only a month old! Which I think is pretty damn cool!
I'm gunna say this right off the bat: I love this screensaver. It's taken
twice as long as it should have to finish it because I spent half the time
sitting watching it.
I know there are plenty of aquarium type screensavers, but I'd never seen
one I actually liked. So way back when I started work on my own, but I couldn't
make the fish look the way I wanted so it didn't get very far. Then recently
I came across a far more talented artist than I who had some cool 3D fish
available, and the rest is history. So I didn't make the fish, I just did
the animation and everything else. I think this is the first time I've used
someone else's 3D models in my stuff, but I think you'll agree that the quality
is so high I'd have been stupid to pass up the opportunity.
So what happens is, the screen fills with water and the fish start swimming
around. Sounds simple, but it wasn't simple to make. The effect tho, is well
worth the effort. It's far more "3D" than any other aquarium screensaver
I've seen because the fish swim in all directions, getting closer or further
away and all over the place. Watch it and see!
I added an option to let you choose between tropical salt water fishies and
fresh water fish. I thought some fish lovers might find it strange that they're
all swimming together. But you can still have them all swim together of course,
because virtual fish can all survive in the same virtual water!
I'm going to have additional fish add-ons available for download from the
website but they'll only work with the full version. The full version lets
you have more than 3 fish at a time aswell, so if you like it, register! I've
tried to make it real value for money, and it's a hell of a lot cheaper than
any of the other underwater aquarium type screensavers I've seen aswell!
As always, if you spot any bugs, let me know!
v1.1 - 1st October, 2005 - Major Update/Bug fix
Added new options to let you select your own background images, or let it
grab the screen as before.
Made the fishies eyes move so they can creep you out as they swim around.
Added background bubbling/humming noise.
Changed the way you select the water level so you can have random, or set
it to whatever you want.
Fixed the background "splintering" bug.
Fixed problem with widescreen monitors not having lighting all the way to
the edges.
Added option to let you select between warm and cold water fish, aswell as
salt and fresh water.
So many other little tweaks and fixes I've forgotten what they are.
Now over a dozen fish species available for the full version!
v1.0 - 1st September, 2005 - Original Release
Real time 3D fish swim around your desktop.
Select between salt water and fresh water fish, or mix them all together.
Additional fish available for download to add to the full version.

Brought to you thru the endless magic of OpenGL!