Version 2.0 for Windows - 01/11/2005
Robert Bennett
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There are 2 ways to get the full registered version of this screen saver:
You can register just this screen saver for just US$9.95 and just get rid of the
nag-screens from this screen saver, OR you can register UC3D and get full access
to all past, present and future UC3D v1 screen savers for the one low price!!
Click here for all the UC3D info.
Click here to register now!
No matter what version of Windows you are using it is recommended that you
make sure you are using the latest drivers for your video card. If you have
any problems (slow, jerky, crashing, freezing) they can almost always be fixed
by simply replacing your outdated drivers.
The latest drivers for your card are available from the manufacturers website.
They are always working on upgrading the drivers, so make sure you upgrade
Some common manufacturers websites are:
If you install this and Another 3D Christmas Screensaver,
UC3D can be set to switch between them after a certain amount
of time! Go to the screensaver Settings and try it out!
Click here for more info on UC3D and how it works.
Ack! Is it that time of year already?? Where you have to elbow old ladies
to get near the checkout at the local gift emporium??
Well, no not quite. As I write this it's still October, but the shops around
here have had their Christmas stuff for sale for about 6 months now so Christmas
must actually be getting a little closer.
I was watching the previous version of this screen saver, and altho I still
love to watch it, I thought that maybe the graphics could do with a polish.
It looked great when I first made it way back when, but not quite as good
now. So before I started porting it to work on the Mac, I decided to update
the graphics. I've remade Santa, the Elf, the Sleigh and all the houses have
been replaced. I basically left the Reindeer alone because I thought they
looked pretty cool already. So now I think the whole thing looks a lot niftier
than before, but the general feel is the same, which I liked.
So for those of you unfamiliar with it, this screen saver was first released
back in (I think from memory) the year 2000. Back then, the graphics were
crap, altho at the time I liked it. Then I remade it a few years ago (2002?)
from scratch and the whole thing was so much better. So this is the 3rd time
I've done a major sort of update, an it's the first time it's been available
under both Windows and Mac OS X so even more people can enjoy the Christmas
The elf still does all the work throwing the presents down the chimneys.
He really needs to join a union. And there's no over 50 Christmas tunes as
background music. In general, this is one of my favourite, so I hope you all
get a kick out of it.
As always, if you spot any bugs let me know.
Merry Christmas and enjoy!
I decided it was time to give this screensaver a quick revision, but after
watching it for a while I just couldn't see what I should change/add. I like
it how it is. So I decided instead to fix some annoying bugs, and add as many
Christmas tunes as I could find.
I got a few emails about it missing some peoples favourites. Now there's
over 50 christmas tunes, so hopefully everyones favourite is in there.
I also fixed the bugs with the countdown being out by a day because of the
leap year.
If you spot any more bugs, let me kow!
Enjoy, and have a Merry Christmas!
I started getting a few people reporting that everything in this screensaver
was in shades of blue. It wasn't many people, but I since it was more than
one I knew they weren't making it up and I wanted to know what could cause
I had no idea to start with. After I'd pulled out every hair on my body,
escept for a mysterious one on my left elbow, I had an idea. Turns out not
all systems support a GL extension I was using to switch BGR to RGB (the colour
format). So I stopped using it and wrote a manual way of doing it and I'm
almost certain the problem is now fixed!
Hopefully this thing is now bug free and this will be the last release for
this year. If you do spot any bugs, you'll make me cry. But please let me
know anyway.
Enjoy, and have a Merry Christmas!
Turns out there were some bugs in the previous version. This should fix them
Some people using ME and 98 were having problems with it crashing if they
had music turned on. This is now fixed.
There was also a prob that meant you couldn't turn off the countdown at all.
That's fixed too!
And cos I'm so nice I've put in a redundant music playing system. This means
if you don't have a compatible version of DirectX installed the music will
try and play thru Windows' own basic music playing functions. I was going
to dump DirectX altogether, but I found on my 98 test machine that the basic
Windows way didn't work properly after I had installed DirectX. So I figured
I'd include both so that the chances of music working for more people without
them having to do anything are greatly increased. Music should even work under NT now.
Enjoy, and have a Merry Christmas!
I'm still in a bit of shock over how popular this screen saver became when
I released it for Christmas 2002. It's great when so many people enjoy something
you've put so much effort into. So I've polished it up a bit for this year,
fixed all the bugs I could find and tried to speed up the loading time a bit.
I've also added clouds in the sky and heaps more background music selections.
Now with over 25 Christmas songs there's no way your co-workers will stay
You can register online and get the full version almost instantly by going
You can also register UC3D and get this, and all other UC3D v1 screen savers
for the one low price. For more info on UC3D go to:
I've done my best to make sure this is bug free, but if you spot any bugs
please let me know.
In the futuristic year 2000 I made a screensaver imaginitively titled
Christmas 2000. At the time I thought it was rather nifty. I would sit
back looking at it and say, "Gee, I think that's rather nifty" and I was
quite proud.
Well a lot has happened since then and when I recently had a look at
that old screensaver I didn't think it was all that nifty at all.
So I started again. I took the same basic idea but started from scratch
and put into practice all the new stuff I've learned how to do in the
last 2 years, and then I learnt new stuff aswell.
I've now worked round the clock, without so much as a minute and a halfs
rest, for weeks to get it ready with plenty of time before Christmas.
The result is, if I do say so myself, niftier than the niftiest thing
you can think of. It's more than 83.2 times better than the old one.
Infact it's atleast 69.8 times better than anything I've ever seen
before. You do the math! It all equals copious amount of niftiness.
And here it is for your enjoyment. If you like it, and want to keep
basking in all its nifty glory, then help me out and register it.
I've made it as cheap as possible. A mere US$9.95 for the full version.
Compared to the prices on some of the other screensavers out there that
don't even compare in levels of niftiness, that's a pretty damn good
Merry Christmas and Enjoy!
v2.0 - 1st November, 2005 - Major Update
Major redesign of most of the graphics. New Santa, New Elf, New Sleigh, and
New Houses!
Huge behind the scenes re-write, altho I'm not sure anyone but me will notice.
v1.7 - 1st October, 2004 - Bugfix
Added heaps more christmas tunes. There's now over 50!
Fixed the countdown bug that meant it was a day out in leap years.
v1.5 - 5th December, 2003 - Bugfix
Some people were having problems with me using GL_BGR_EXT, so I've now worked out a manual way of doing it.
It was causing everything to look blue for some people! Should now be fixed!
v1.4 - 27th November, 2003 - Minor Bugfix
To be honest I've forgotten what I fixed for v1.4.
v1.3 - 20th November, 2003 - Bugfix
Some crashes were reported under ME/98. Fixed.
Countdown wasn't able to be completely turned off. Fixed.
Redundant music playing code added to help people without DirectX.
v1.2 - 1st November, 2003 - Updated Release
Converted to work with UC3D Screen Saver System.
Fixed all the bugs I could find.
Made a few twearks and changes to improve load time, speed, sky detail etc
Added more background music selections. There are now over 25 different songs.
v1.0 - 20th November, 2002 - Original Release
Realtime 3D display featuring Santa, his Reindeer,
and a hard working Elf. They fly through the air
throwing presents down chimneys and randomly stop
at houses while Santa climbs down the chimney.
15 different Christmas carols as background music.
Countdown timer to Christmas day.

Brought to you thru the endless magic of OpenGL!